YinChiao Cold Relieving Tablets 120s (Great Wall Brand) 长城牌 精制银翘解毒片


YinChiao Cold Relieving Tablets 120s Great Wall Brand 长城牌 精制银翘解毒片

  • Introduction: Amended and improved formula, recommended as a remedy for colds and chills, especially for relieving influenza symptoms, fever, headache, coughs, sore throat and minor bodily pains due to cold.
  • Effects: Reduce heatiness and dispel wind from body, relieve exterior symptoms such as bodily pain and relieving fever.
  • Dosage (Orally): Take 3 to 5 tablets, 2 to 3 times a day. Minor dosage for children.
  • Storage: TIghten cap and keep in a cool dry place, away from reach of children.
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