Double Prawn Herbal Oil (Qing Cao You) 14ml 双虾牌 青草油


Double Prawn Herbal Oil (Qing Cao You) 14ml 双虾牌 青草油

  • Introduction: Double Prawn Herbal Oil, more commonly or more affectionately known as “Qing Cao You (青草油)”, is a household name in Singapore when it comes to herbal medicine meant for treating wounds and bruises. Throughout our childhood, we definitely came across this particular ointment known for its ‘burning sensation’ once applied to the injured area. Despite the ‘burning sensation’, the “Qing Cao You” is well loved by many due to it’s fast healing properties.
  • Indications: For itching and swelling, insect bites, skin irritation and eruption, minor burns and scalds, Hong Kong foot (Athlete’s foot), fungal infection, minor cuts, bruises and abrasions, sores and scabies.
  • Why it works: “Qing Cao You” contains peppermint oil, which contains camphor. Along with camphor, the herbal oil also has extracts of the rhubarb plant. Both camphor and rhubarb plant extracts are known to prevent inflammation.
  • Includes: 1x Double Prawn Herbal Oil 14ml

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