WuJi BaiFeng Wan 10x6g (Beijing Tong Ren Tang) 北京同仁堂 乌鸡白凤丸


WuJi BaiFeng Wan Tong Ren Tang 10x6g 同仁堂 乌鸡白凤丸

  • Also known as: Bai Feng Wan 白凤丸, Bak Foong Pill, Female Liver Tonic, Female blood nourishing pill.
  • Action: To invigorate the vital energy, nourish the blood, regulate the menstruation and stop leukorrhea.
  • Indications: Irregular menstruation, dysmenotthea, cold pain of the lower abdomen, general debility, feeling weak, lassitude of loins and legs, puerperal debility, night sweat due to the deficiency of the refined material in the viscera, these caused by the deficiency of both vital energy and blood.
  • Dosage: Twice daily, all the water-honeyed pills (6g) in one wax ball each time.
  • Method of Administration: Take out the wax ball, squeeze wax ball to open, take out the inner plastic capsule, open the inner plastic capsule and take the pills.
  • Packing: Every Waxball contains 6g water-honeyed pills, 10 balls per box.
  • Made in China
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