Pearl Powder Refined Pure 0.3g x 20 btls (Hangzhou HuQingYuTang) 珍珠粉 精致纯真


Pearl Powder Refined Pure 0.3g x 20 btls 珍珠粉 精致纯真

  • Also known as: Zhen Zhu Fen 纯真珍珠粉
  • New packaging & New Batch from supplier – March 2021 新包装
  • Introduction: Pearl powder is a traditional Chinese medicine well known for beautifying the skin and soothing of nerves.
    • This can be taken by children and adults.
    • Pearl powders are used both internally and externally.
  • Benefits: Improves skin complexion, keeps skin firm and beautiful, lightens pigmentation, soothes the nervous system, calms nerves, increase vigor, helps with insomnia, reduces heatiness.
  • 功能主治效:润泽肌肤,延缓衰老,安神定惊,改善睡眠,明目消翳,解毒生肌。
  • Indications: Oral ingestion. No known side effects. Drink in the morning or before bedtime. Take with warm water.
    • Children: Take 1 bottle of 0.3g of Pearl Powder daily, either in the morning or before bedtime.
    • Adults: Take 2 bottles of 0.3g of Pearl Powder per day each time, either in the morning or before bedtime.
    • May be taken together with Milk or Honey.
  • May also be used externally: Apply after cleansing face or mix with moisturiser or face mask and apply to face.
  • 服法及用量: 内服,传统药品,每日早上或睡前服用。若症状持续存在,应就医诊治。
    • 小孩:每日服一次,每次一瓶。
    • 成人:每日服一次,每次两瓶。
  • Ingredients: Refined Pure Pearl Powder 纯真珍珠粉
  • Whats in the box: 20 bottles x 0.3g/bottle of Refined Pure Pearl Powder 纯真珍珠粉

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