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Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× Premium Aged Tangerine Peel (Xin Hui Lao Chen Pi) 37.5g 特级新会老陈皮
1 x $39.50
× Honeysuckle Chrysanthemum Heatiness & Toxins Cleansing Tea 双花清热凉茶 (2 Packs 两包)
1 x $10.80
× QuShi Herbal Tea Mix 祛湿茶
1 x $7.00
× Superior Ningxia Wolfberry (Organic XL) 250g 有机特大宁夏杞子皇
1 x $19.00
× Traditional Barley Drink Mix 生熟薏米
1 x $5.50
× Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 200s (Foci Brand) 佛慈 六味地黄丸
1 x $9.70
× YinQiao Fever & Cold Tea 2s (Jian Shen Pai) 健身牌银翘伤风感冒凉茶
1 x $5.00
× Qian Lie Kang Kidney Replenishing Tablets 60s (Win Brand) 威牌 前列康
1 x $10.00
× Takabb Anti-Cough Pills 3g x 12s 泰国五蜈蚣标止咳丸
1 x $12.80
× Weisen-U Stomach Remedy Tablets 30s 胃仙-U 30粒装
1 x $14.90
× 快乐肝+胶囊 60s (All Link) 全连 宝肝乐
1 x $52.50
× Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa 方便装 10s 念慈庵 蜜炼川贝枇杷膏(便利装) 10s
1 x $10.20
× Calm Stomach Tablets 60s (Nature's Green) 绿叶牌 平胃片
1 x $8.50
Cart totals

Cart totals

Subtotal $205.40
Shipping Shipping costs are calculated during checkout.
Total $205.40


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