Skin Itch Relief Soup 龙马清血止痒汤


Having itchy skin? This is the soup for you!

Helps with relieving itch on skin, as well as detoxifying blood,
removes moisture and swelling.

Skin Itch Relief Soup 龙马清血止痒汤 (Long Ma Qing Xue Zhi Yang Tang)

  • Thye Shan Skin Itch Relief Soup 龙马清血止痒汤 is a convenient Chinese herbal soup packet that is easy to cook for 1 to 2 persons.
  • Also known as: Long Ma Qing Xue Zhi Yang Tang, Qing Xue Zhi Yang Tang 清血止痒汤, Blood Cleansing Soup, Hai Ma Qing Xue Tang 海马清血汤, Anti-itch Relief Soup
  • Functions: Cleanse blood, Relief itch, neutralise toxins in the blood, removes moisture and swelling.
  • 功能:清热凉血, 散结消肿,解毒利水
  • Note: This is non-vegetarian.
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