Herbal Analgesic Oil 55ml Triple Bundle PLUS FREE 8ml Oil 泰山品利千里追风油三油配套

Original price was: $67.50.Current price is: $59.40.

泰山药油之王, 多客好评 ★★★★★

Herbal Analgesic Oil 55ml Triple Bundle PLUS FREE 8ml Oil 泰山品利千里追风油三油配套

  • 特点:首选药油,药油之王,内浸草药,药性特强,渗透力快,迅速见效,新加坡必备手信/手礼。
  • 主治:活血化瘀,舒筋活络,祛风止痛,跌打损伤,风湿痹痛,腰酸背痛
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